Quick notes on how I configure my React Native development environment on Arch Linux.
tl;dr demo video Intro If you build stuff for the internet, you’re likely familiar with HTTP API testing tools such as PostMan or Insomnia.
Simple configuration template for networked FreeBSD jails using a NAT.
This note covers how to get get sway running on Void Linux w/ seat management and dbus without using elogind.
How to install Fall Guys on Linux without installing the Heroic GUI.
How to install Void Linux with LUKS disk encryption without LVM.
If you work on a lot of different projects using Git, it can be tricky to manage identities and easy to mistakenly make commits with your default user information.
A quick note on how to host your own git repos using git-http-backend proxied via nginx.
Step-by-step guide on setting up a system to sniff Android app traffic using Genymotion, mitmproxy, and Frida.
My notes on installing Arch Linux. These are very personalized (messy) notes and I wouldn’t recommend following them step-by-step at this time.